Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Day Four, Part Two: Nashville, TN to Memphis, TN

Mile 851.3 - Full of Chess Pie, Jon notices there are lots of runners here. Jeff wonders who or what they're running from. He looks in Ludo's direction.

Mile 853.3 - Stuck in Traffic. Bah.

Mile 856.1 - Bye, Nashville! We'll see you tomorrow! Memphis is 199 miles!!

Mile 894.7 - Guy in front of us does something.... but Jeff only writes down "Guy in front of us..." so.... yeah. There's that.

Mile 906.4 - I have no joke for this.

Mile 940.8 - Jon is a paranoid, crazy person. And that is no blie™.

Mile 966.9 - 90 miles 'til Memphis! Jon points out that the gas tank says it has 91 miles 'til empty. Jeff notices that Jon has a "look."
...Jeff is frightened.

Mile 974.6 - Jeff is relieved when we stop for gas. There's a Jesus T-shirt shrine here...

...He thanks it.

Mile 976.4 - Due to roadwork, we are forced to ride in the rumblestrips . Gah.

Mile 977.7 - Back on paved road.

Mile 982.4 - Jon is, for some reason, singing that this is the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius.

Mile 1005.0 - Jon notices we've gone over a thousand miles five miles ago!

Mile 1028.5 - Ohgod, it's raining!

Mile 1028.6 - aaaand now it's not.

Mile 1043.0 - Passing through uptown Memphis.

Mile 1057.4 - Pink Palace Museum is coming. we don't stop.

Mile 1062.7 - What happens in Vegas... started in Graceland. Really?

Mile 1065.6 - Arrival at the Heartbreak Hotel!!

1 comment:

  1. Ahh so now you're being mean to me? Great! This is all the thanks I get for promoing your blog like it was the latest Bill Bryson :P Meh!
    I would have protected you from the scary stuff at the parade float museum you know... I'm going to sulk for a while. You know I am mostly harmless!
